The Cantonese Ministry Pastor is called by the church to full time pastoral duties serving our Cantonese congregation. The Cantonese Ministry Pastor is responsible for leadership, under the supervision of the Senior Pastor, in developing long-term spiritual welfare and growth, as well as ministerial direction of the Cantonese congregation.
The Cantonese Pastor shall give himself/herself consistently to the ministry of the Word and to prayer; be responsible to preach the Word, conduct the church ordinances, provide spiritual care as well as equip the believers so the faith community could use their gifts to engage in ministries of the church.
Logos Baptist Church (Mississauga) is a tri-congregational (three languages) community. Our church consists of Cantonese, English, and Mandarin congregations all working together as one large family under the leadership of one Senior Pastor. We are a mid-sized church with a combined weekly attendance of 300+.
Pastoral Duties
Participation in Church Leadership