Job Purpose
Coordinate efforts within the Training Function to ensure that Operations Training programs are developed and managed using a data-driven focus that sets priorities for improvements aligned with the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) regulatory requirements and in accordance with the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT). Assure that Operations Training initiatives are focused and aligned with improving operational and program efficiencies and effectiveness as well as content and design.
Key Activities, Responsibility & Accountability
- SAT Implementation and Compliance
Responsibilities and Accountabilities:
• Coordinate with the Training Support Section to support the review, maintenance and revision of the Job and Task Analyses associated with accredited training programs to ensure compliance with procedural and regulatory requirements.
• Lead periodic assessments of Operations and eSOMs Training programs to verify compliance with SAT processes and expectations.
• Provide support to the Operations Training Manager and Computer Based Training (CBT) personnel in applying the SAT processes to training program development, implementation and assessment to ensure regulatory requirements are met. - Training Activity Support
Responsibilities and Accountabilities:
• Coordinate response to FANR Inspection findings and comments to meet regulatory requirements.
• Lead evaluations and assessments focusing on improving Operations Training Program effectiveness and develop Corrective Actions (CAs) to support the enhancement of Training efficiency; act as focal point for Operations Training Conditional Reports (CRs).
• Review training lesson plans, assessment tools and content to ensure compliance with Training Procedures.
• Provide guidance to Operations Training Personnel on development and maintenance of the Operations Training program content to ensure compliance with FANR regulatory requirements.
• Analyze and trend data gathered through instructor and management observation of training to provide input to the Training Heads on how to improve program content. - Industry Training Practices and Processes
Responsibilities and Accountabilities:
• Lead and coordinate the development and tracking of assessment reports and documentation required to ensure Operations Training program meets FANR requirements and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) guidelines.
• Prepare and/or consolidate all reports and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as mandated by the Comprehensive Training Plan or business needs.
The incumbent is expected to perform standard activities as per attachments 4 & 5 in the Job Description procedure (relating to Health, Safety and Environment, Security and Business Continuity, People Management, Excellence and Quality Management).
Professional Certifications
• Classroom and Simulator instructor Certification.
• SRO license or certification.
• Professional Root Cause Analysis Qualification.
• Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or related Science.
• 5 years of relevant experience, out of which:
- 2 years nuclear power plant experience.
Or equivalent as stated in the Job Description Procedure (HR-PRC-0004).