The Production Engineer (Poultry Breeder) is responsible for selecting healthy cockerels and hens for fertilization. This role may also involve tending to newly hatched chicks. Breeders using chickens for egg production begin by raising healthy hens, also called layers.
Breeders design specialized cages in which laid eggs gently roll down onto a conveyor belt and are transported to a processing facility. At the processing facility, eggs are disinfected, cleaned, and reviewed for quality. Eggs that pass standards are then graded and packaged for shipment.
Raising chicks involves feeding and watering the animals as well as disinfecting their quarters. Breeders also monitor the chickens' health, taking action on any signs of disease or injury. While raising the chicks, these professionals track food consumption and body weight in order to breed lean, healthy chickens for meat processing and fertile layers for egg production. Lastly, breeders record chicken size, health, and other factors to determine which breeds produce the highest quality offspring.
Lean Manufacturing, Python, Root cause Analysis, 5S, gRPC, New Relic, Linux, Production Management, Shell Scripting, Manufacturing, Troubleshooting, Application Support.