The role of Head of Subject is central to the academic and general life of the school. Academic departments are responsible for the delivery of the school curriculum within their subject disciplines. They fulfil their roles within and in support of school policies, under the direction of the appropriate Deputy Head. Subject to this, as much freedom and initiative as possible is given to departments for the development of their subjects.
The role of Head of Department comprises four areas, applicable from EYFS to Key Stage 2 subject areas: curriculum policy and development, teaching and learning, leadership and management, and administration.
Skills, Experience & Responsibilities:
Curriculum Policy and Development:
- Overview of the subject and the part it plays in the pupils' whole education.
- Ensuring that pupils meet their academic targets.
- Determination of programmes of study in each year group, relating these as necessary to national curricula and to GL examination specifications.
- Consideration of how the subject may be developed outside the classroom e.g. outside speakers, off-site visits.
- Where possible, ensuring that the subject is coordinated with others to ensure appropriate linking of curricula across departments.
Teaching and Learning:
- Upholding classroom routine:
- Planned progress using the department's schemes of work.
- Regular setting and marking of homework.
- Ensuring that individual academic targets are set and monitored, termly and yearly.
- Class management: lesson planning, routine, and discipline.
- Appropriate differentiation to recognize individual pupils' needs.
- Additional assistance to individuals as appropriate, at all levels of ability.
Ensuring all aspects of the school’s assessment, marking, and reporting (AMR) policy are upheld.Maintenance of exercise books, including records of pupils' special needs and individual notes.Maintenance and analysis of data and target-setting.Ensuring that all the subject-specific curriculum is up to date and forward-thinking, meeting the needs of the cohort and the national agenda.Liaison with the Head of Inclusion to ensure appropriate, coordinated support of individual pupils as required.Leadership and Management:
The Head of Department is normally the principal line manager of the subject specialist staff in Years 5 and 6 but should equally meet with the subject planner for all other year groups. The Head of Department should support, encourage, and hold high expectations of all members of the department, with appropriate delegation of departmental tasks. These responsibilities require good administration and a strong presence around the school. Detailed areas are:
- Support and guidance; professional development.
- Classroom presence and monitoring:
- Lesson Observations completed within the department in line with appraisal and teaching and learning expectations.
- Work Scrutiny. A programme of regular work scrutiny should be maintained. The detailed methodologies for lesson observation and work scrutiny lie with the individual Head of Department, under the guidance of the Deputy Head (Academic).
Ensuring that effective and up-to-date teaching methods are successfully deployed, through the use of appropriate INSET and peer observations.Undertaking departmental appraisals.Holding regular, minuted departmental meetings, with minutes filed centrally on Microsoft Teams.Administration:
- Reports. The Head of Department is responsible for completion and submission of reports as per the Junior School calendar, or as requested by the Deputy Head (Academic) or Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning).
- HoD Meetings. The Head of Department must attend meetings of the Heads of Department Committee. Apologies should be given if attendance at a particular meeting is not possible.
- Departmental Classrooms and Areas. The Head of Department is responsible for the organization and appearance of classrooms and departmental areas, including technical stores, preparation rooms, study areas, libraries, and resources areas. Applications for maintenance and works services should be made through the normal channels, liaising with the Deputy Head (Pastoral) and the Deputy Head (Academic) as appropriate.
- Health and Safety. Heads of Department are responsible for the monitoring of health and safety issues in their areas. Enquiries about health and safety matters may be made to senior managers.
Successful candidates will have:
- Bachelor's degree plus QTS and PGCE.
- For specialist teachers, the bachelor’s degree must be in a directly related field (e.g. Physics teacher should have a science-related bachelor’s degree).
- Ideally, we require a minimum of 2 years' experience in a leadership position.