Proofread and amend documents as per lawyer’s requirements. Incorporate client comments as indicated by lawyer.
Blackline (comparison) of documents.
Cross referencing checks; know how to insert, check and update.
Draft engagement letters (based on templates) and incorporating fee pitch/assumptions & scope of work.
Initiate new matter conflict checks, follow up on conflict results, complete client/matter opening form, providing billing information, updating finance and chasing finance on matter number allocation, updating timesheets.
Gather client KYC documents and information, follow up with compliance for clearance, obtaining ethics approval.
Review draft invoices and edit narratives according to house rules before invoices are presented to the partner for approval.
Learn about the life cycle of a transaction, case, or deal.
Track invoices sent out and track invoice payments, liaising with the finance department on outstanding payments.
Call the respective governmental departments to query for information as needed.
House style & format documents. Understand formatting steps and apply them to all templates and documents.
Create documents from template form. Spot check for updated logo, footer, document number and date checks.
Travel arrangements.
Book meetings/lunches etc.
Organize and manage diary.
Coordinate with clients externally.
Coordinate within the team and other departments of the firm.