Show written evidence of planning and preparation on request. Establish and maintain records of curriculum and year plans, attendance, teaching resources, assessment plans, etc.
Ensure the GEMS policies, procedures, and codes of conduct are followed at all times.
Teach students assigned according to their individual needs using appropriate teaching strategies that meet student needs and abilities, e.g., late-entering students, ESL, low academic ability, gifted and talented, etc.
Set and mark work. Assess, record, and report on the academic development, progress, and attainment of students, and use assessment to ensure the curriculum meets the individual student’s needs.
Display competence in using media and technology in the classroom.
Promote the general progress and well-being of students and provide guidance to students on educational matters.
Communicate with persons outside the school where appropriate (e.g., Ministry of Education officials).
Participate in appraisal and Performance Management procedures and Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Work alongside colleagues on the preparation and development of teaching materials, resources, courses of study, and pastoral arrangements.
Participate in, and lead where appropriate, the co-curricular and extra-curricular programmes in the school. Promote good working relationships through active leadership and sharing of ideas, materials, and experiences.
Monitor and supervise safe and appropriate student behavior. Plan and implement strategies to encourage self-discipline and manage disruptive behavior.
Model and encourage cultural understanding and respect.