The Vanderhaeghen Lab (@VanderhaeghenP2) at the VIB/KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research is seeking a creative postdoctoral scientist to study the human-specific mechanisms of development and function of cortical neurons.
Join us to undertake a highly interdisciplinary project focusing on one exciting question: what makes our brain human? (Vanderhaeghen and Polleux, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2023).
We combine cutting-edge approaches such as pluripotent stem cell models of human corticogenesis, human-mouse brain xenotransplantation, mouse transgenesis, in vivo mouse brain imaging, and ex vivo human brain analyses.
For more information contact: Pierre Vanderhaeghen.
Please complete the online application procedure and include a detailed CV including a list of publications, a motivation letter, and the contact information of three referees.