Identification of students based on Psychometric assessment, Case history, Baseline checklist and observation.
Develop Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for each student.
Help teachers to prepare ILP, if required.
Plan, organize, and assign activities that are specific to each student’s abilities.
To ensure that curricula and programs address the developmental and educational needs of students.
Regularly update and follow up on the IEPs.
Write case records on each counselling session, and maintain them securely.
Speaking with teachers and parents to evaluate a student's individual strengths or special needs.
Establish procedures and time frames to provide students with academic, personal, social, emotional and psychological counseling.
Implement IEPs, assess students’ performance, and track their progress.
Observing children during classroom and recess time.
To ensure that students have access to the resources necessary for academic and social development.
Facilitate students’ satisfactory adjustments to the school.
Establish procedures for securing external assistance for students with personal problems and emotional needs.
Maintain student records on progress, achievements, activities, and interests.
Discuss student’s progress with parents, teachers, and administrators.
Establish systems to notify parents promptly about any difficulties a student may encounter in class, school work, or any behavioral problems that may arise.
Work with the academic and support staff to encourage and promote positive behaviors in the short and long term whilst at School, and for their future benefit.
Provide support and supervision for members of the teaching staff.
Provide training, discussion and consultancy to the wider community of the school, if considered appropriate.