Downloading the page files from secured protocol and check for any inconsistency.
Plan the pages as required by Press in-charge and process plates.
Keep plates in safe place as it is very sensitive and upkeep the machine as per PM schedules.
Create page time and plate consumption record and circulate the information to concerns.
Check the pre-press quality parameters and press compatibility time to time.
Keep eye on consumable consumption and ensure to follow guideline decided by line manager for consumable usage.
Speed of response and implement the assignments.
Take reasonable care of their own safety and health.
Co-operate with respect to any instructions and/or actions taken by the employer to protect the employee and/or comply with OSH requirements.
Report to their immediate supervisor any situation which they have reason to believe could represent a hazard and which they cannot themselves correct.
Report all OSH incidents and work-related injuries.
Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided at the workplace in the interest of health, safety, or welfare.